martes, 4 de diciembre de 2007
What I have changed?
lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2007
domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2007
sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2007
How did you get started to use Internet?

This is a very good question.... How I did get started to use Internet?.. let me think.. I guess it was because my sister, I have 4 sisters older than me so! my last sister likes coputer a lot so she teach me all I know now, one day like 10 years ago, she show me that in the screen of the computar was a little world named Internet Explorer, with that I can search for everything I wanted, later she opened me an email in Hotmail I was so exciting because I was going to speak with people in different countries, however I don't knew enyone in that time with email..jjaja.. But later I make somre friends.. and a very good friend of mine send me to an email, and he tell me that created a count of messenger, with that we can talk with instanting messages.. Since then I use the internet for everthing its very useful... it's the best invention, I love it.
Michelle Morales
What Super Heroe Are You?
Blog Action Day!!! Save the world save your big house!!
I think global warming is a very serious problem because is afecting our lives, its because our ways to lives and some people dont want to see that we are detroying our world, if we dont start to do something now, maybe it's going to be too late. We need to created campaign for recycling, to take care the ozono layer and another thing like that. We need to save the planet.
Michelle Morales
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